
Hey there!

I'm Norce, the person behind this site.

If you think my name is unique - your are right! In fact, I've never met a person with the same name as me until this very moment!

I have 8, 7, and 5 as my top three Enneagram type. I highly value freedom & independence, and always looking at possibilities. Working on self-development is very important for me, and as I learn many different things, I also continously looking for opportunities to pass on what I learned to others to help them be more empowered.

Like you, I wear many hats in life - a woman, a wife, a mother, a friend, a coach, an entrepreneur, a student, and more. But stripped me off all those labels and I’m just a human. Likewise, I dreams, I fears and I grapple with my limiting beliefs.

One of my biggest dreams since my twenties has been to retire early, to travel the world and live carefree, like a child.

"So, how is it going?", you may ask.

At this moment, I can say that I am living the current version my best life. I am doing the work that I really enjoy, and have the freedom that I wanted. I have more experiences than when I was younger, and I still have strong desire to learn.

Instead of wanting to retire, now I just want to stay healthy (so cliché right! 🫢) so I can do meaningful work each day and go to bed at night feeling fulfilled, knowing I've made a difference.

But getting to this point in my life - where I can gracefully navigate the ups and downs of the life I've created, wasn't easy. I faced many challenges, and the biggest one was overcoming my own ignorance.

I owe my growth journey to the incredible support I received from many friends, coaches and mentors who guided and held space for me, especially when I doubted myself and felt unworthy. I wouldn't be here without them.

Therefore, I take it as my purpose to pay it forward and support the next person on their path. To create and enjoy a life of fulfillment and abundance, just as I am living mine.

I think that's enough about me, let's talk about you!

Where are you in your life journey today? Is your ideal life taking shape as you want it to, or are there parts that could use some help?

If you're looking for support, guidance, or just someone to talk to on your journey to creating the life you want, I'm here. Reach out anytime, and let's work together to make your ideal life a reality!

Credentials :
Norce is a certified ICI Life Coach, NeuroLinguistic Enneagram facilitator for Individual and Team Dynamic, NLP Master Practitioner, (WSQ) Adult Learning Facilitator, and a member of Maxwell Leadership.

Live by Design was founded by Norce in 2020 with the mission of equipping female leaders and entrepreneurs with the tools and strategies to scale their personal and professional capabilities. Our goal is to help you unlock your untapped potential, providing the support needed to thrive authentically and purposefully.

Inspired by the belief that everyone should live true to themselves, Live by Design operates on two core principles:

  1. Design Your Life: Encourage designing your life based on your own aspirations, dreams, and values—free from external expectations or self-imposed limitations.

  2. Tap into Your Strengths: Guide you to harness your natural gifts, strengths, and talents to build a life that aligns with your authentic self.

With over 8 years of experience empowering female leaders and entrepreneurs from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Phillipines, Norce works collaboratively with her clients, tailoring programs to meet each client's specific needs and goals.

When we think of Norce, we feel extremely blessed that she is part of our team. In our experience, Norce is an amazing wonder-ful-woman!

Similar to most of us, Norce plays multiple roles in life – wife, mother, businesswoman, leader, daughter, friend, dancer, seeker and more. Despite her time and engagement in the various roles she play, she passionately lives her vision.

She has often shared that she wanted to support her fellow countrywomen in Indonesia to be able to have more choices in life, and to live their lives fully and passionately. We love her strong commitment to her own growth and development, her team and their growth. She cares about her people both as individuals and as a team. The success, strength, open-heartedness and enthusiasm of her leaders and members simply speaks of who Norce is as a leader and friend who walks her talk.

Norce is honest, energizing, out-spoken and willing to embrace new adventures and challenges in her life. There is much more we can say about Norce. We love working and playing with her. We will just say, if you are looking for a community with vision, pssion, strong values and growth, definitely have a chat with Norce!

-Jacq Ong & Gennet Song

Norce is a delightful woman of strength to work with. I see her burning passion to empower other women. I have experienced her unyielding and wise convictions and leaderships. And I have been greatly moved by her genuine commitment to grow and challenge herself constantly for one reason – that she may be able to serve others better and bolder.

Anyone would be highly blessed to be in the companionship and field where she devotes her time to. She will lead you… but she will challenge you to rise up and take on the helm of leadership too.

-Kai Tan

Norce has taught me that as leaders, we do not need to know everything but what’s more important is how we move people to empower themselves to design and live the lives they want.

She often provide powerful insights that can unstuck people, and breathe life into crazily innovative ideas that harness the strength and potential of her team. She’s a hungry learner that always wanted the best for her team and seek learnings to facilitate that.

Her thirst and love for personal growth is what defines Norce as a heart centred leader to me.

-Faith Teo

Norce is a confident, level headed, clear minded leader with lots of passion and visions for the future for her team and her dreams. All of the work and things that she does is backed up by her strong integrity and values. Norce knows what she wants for herself and for her entire team, and it’s clearly shown in the actions that she takes, and being ok to be different from the masses.

Norce’s team is made up of various ladies from all walks of life and they are empowered to make a difference in their lives, and lives of their loved ones. They have conviction in what they believe in, walking the talk at the same time. They are willing to step out of their comfort zone to go for their dreams of their lives.

-Winnie Fannon